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Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Active Missionaries

Shin and Mitsue Kamoda

The Kamoda family has been ministering in Tokyo under Japanese Missions for over 20 years. Pastor Shin and family have been preaching and discipling people throughout this region as God has led them. Calvary is excited to have been a part of their family and ministry during their endeavors.

Juan and Stacey Gallegos

Calvary has loved and supported Juan since his days at Texas Bible Institute and serving and worshiping at Calvary during those days. Juan and his wife Stacey have been in various ministries throughout the years in south Texas and Mexico including Central Seminary in Acuna, Mexico. Currently they are planting a congregation in Del Rio, Texas.

Texas Baptist

Equip. - Advance - Fulfill

Since 1948, TBI has been offering biblical training through various Bible programs to pastors and church leaders. Hundreds of students have gone out from TBI to become leaders in missions, church growth, and Christian education.

Encourage our active missionaries

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